Responsibilities of the Custodian 624-05-15-30-20
(Revised 1/15/21 ML #3606)
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PI 21-02
Foster children are under the custody of a public agency (Human Service Zone, Division of Juvenile Services, or a Tribe), referred to as the “custodian”. The custodian is responsible to manage the case activity and engage the parent/s to achieve case permanency as timely as possible. There are many required duties assigned to the custodian, responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Facilitate an agreed upon case plan.
- Authorize releases of information, where applicable.
- Approve routine medical treatment including medication changes for a child under direct care of a physician.
- Approve planned for psychological or psychiatric testing and evaluation as part of a child's treatment.
- Authorize a change in placement.
- Authorize crisis bed or hospitalization if needed as part of a crisis plan/safety plan.
- Manage ongoing issues or concerns surrounding family crisis.
- Approve child's involvement in local events, concerts, or family activities (not high risk).
- Approve participation in religious education, church sponsored activities or participation in significant religious ceremonies (baptism/confirmation).
- Approve Individual Education Plans.
- Approve school sponsored educational or sports activities.
- Approve employment activities. Act to resolve any issues where a child has an interest in a trust, inheritance, or gift. Approve the commitment of a significant amount of the child's funds, unless there has been a conservator of the child's estate appointed.
- Authorize releases of information where disclosure is controversial or required by another agency.
- Authorize treatment for medical emergencies, surgeries, and hospitalizations, including unplanned psychiatric hospitalizations.
- Approve participation in events with life changing consequences (marriage, enlistments, etc.).
- Authorize participation in high-risk activities (horseback riding, hunting, driving farm/yard equipment, operating water equipment, etc.).
- Authorize participation to obtain a license, certification, and permit. Application of a minor for an operator's license may be authorized by an individual (responsible adult) who is willing to assume the obligation imposed under NDCC 39-06-08.
- Authorize out-of-state trips as well as travel that have unusual circumstances or risk.
- Authorize law enforcement interviews including the administration of polygraph tests.
- Authorize the child's depiction in any media advertisements or publications including those for adoptive home recruitment.
- Approve requests to interview or question a child, including instances where the child is a subject of a sexual abuse investigation.
- Approve any loan, credit card applications, or checking accounts by the child, if applicable.
- If concerns arise regarding the current placement, agency supervision will work with the foster care case manager to resolve concerns and seek alternatives if needed.
- The custodian is responsible for the child through adoption finalization and must concur with the adoptive home selected. There are times when conflicting opinions will exist on Child & Family team. The goal is to resolve all conflicts at the lowest possible level. If issues cannot be resolved during the Child & Family Team meeting, the case manager, and assigned local supervisor may be asked to assist in reaching an agreeable resolution. If no resolution can be achieved, the foster care case manager may request conflict-free resolution and consultation with another Zone office. If resolution cannot be accomplished on the local level, the case may be referred to Children and Family Services.